A study to assess the knowledge and attitude of staff nurses regarding human rights of mentally ill patients at selected hospitals of Bangalore, India


  • Kriti Thapa Department of Psychiatric Nursing, B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan
  • Vimala W. Samson Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Bangalore City College of Nursing, Bangalore




Attitude, Human rights, Knowledge, Mentally ill patients, Staff nurses


Background: Mental illness raises many human rights issues. People with mental disorders are exposed to a wide range  of human rights violation both within and outside the health care context. People with mental illness and their families  do not exercise their rights, because of lack of awareness that they have such rights, lack of knowledge about how to effectively assert their rights, and lack of confidence in asserting their rights. The most important factor in ensuring patient’s rights is the knowledge, attitude and commitment of the mental health professionals.

Objectives:  The objectives of the study were to assess knowledge and attitude of staff nurses regarding human rights of mentally ill patients.

Methods: A descriptive approach was adopted for the study. A total of 50 staff nurses working in psychiatric wards of general hospitals and in psychiatric hospitals of Bangalore were selected through purposive sampling technique. A structured knowledge questionnaire was used to assess level of knowledge and a four-point Likert scale was used to assess attitude of nurses regarding human rights of mentally ill patients.

Results: The overall mean knowledge score was 50 percent and the overall mean attitude score was 68.65 percent among  the staff nurses.

Conclusion: The results of the study exposed the requirement of continuing education of staff nurses regarding human rights of mentally ill patients.

 Journal of Kathmandu Medical College

Vol. 6, No. 1, 2017, page: 27-31


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Author Biographies

Kriti Thapa, Department of Psychiatric Nursing, B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan

Assistant  Professor

Vimala W. Samson, Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Bangalore City College of Nursing, Bangalore

Head  of  Department




How to Cite

Thapa, K., & Samson, V. W. (2017). A study to assess the knowledge and attitude of staff nurses regarding human rights of mentally ill patients at selected hospitals of Bangalore, India. Journal of Kathmandu Medical College, 6(1), 27–31. https://doi.org/10.3126/jkmc.v6i1.18583



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