Outcome of intubated post-surgical cases in intensive care unit in Tribhuvan university teaching hospital, Nepal
A retrospective study was carried out for to evaluate the outcome in intubated post-surgical cases in Intensive Care Unit in T U Teaching hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. A total of 303 cases were admitted in Intensive Care Unit during the fiscal year 061-062 ,from 1st Shrawan 2061 to 31st Ashad 2062 (July, 2004 to July, 2005) .Among them, 177 (58.5%) were medical and non-surgical cases while 126 (41.5%) were post-surgical cases. Total mortality in the ICU was 26.2% (p value > 0.05).Among the post-surgical cases, which includes all surgical subspecialties, the mortality was 15.9% (p value = 0.92). Surgical cases were admitted in ICU either on elective basis where ICU bed was preoccupied. Whereas other emergency surgical cases requiring ICU care were admitted in ICU in an unplanned way. A total of 37 post-surgical cases required mechanical ventilatory support. Maximum stay in ICU for a medical case was 4 months and 28 days with maximum support of mechanical ventilation was for 4 months and 21 days. In contrast, the maximum stay for the post-surgical cases in ICU as well as on mechanical ventilation was 60 days, while minimum stay was only one day. Regarding post-surgical cases on mechanical ventilation two cases (5%) left the hospital against medical advice (LAMA), while out of 35 patients on mechanical ventilation, 17 patients died, accounting for a mortality of 48.6%, and 18 cases were successfully weaned off and extubated (51.4%) and further discharged from ICU to Surgical Ward. Journal of Institute of Medicine Vol.27(3) 2005Downloads
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How to Cite
Sharma, N. (2007). Outcome of intubated post-surgical cases in intensive care unit in Tribhuvan university teaching hospital, Nepal. Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal, 27(3), 29–30. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info./index.php/JIOM/article/view/413
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