Characteristics of Vaginal Prolapse in Buffaloes


  • SK Sah
  • T Nakao


Buffaloes, pregnancy, vaginal prolapse


Prolapse of vagina is one of the important maternal abnormalities during pregnancy in cattle and buffaloes. A field investigation was carried out to show some clinical characteristics of vaginal prolapse in buffaloes in Nepal as related to parity, stage of pregnancy, seasonal variation, degree of the prolapse, complications, treatment and prognosis. Fifty-seven percent of 26 buffaloes with vaginal prolapse were heifers and cows in the first lactation. Fifty-seven percent of the cases were in seven month of pregnancy or later. About three quarters of the cases were diagnosed during a period between June and October including rainy season. Twelve cases (63%) of the nineteen had a history of vaginal prolapse in previous gestation periods. A half of the buffaloes were showing prolapse of the vagina even when they were in standing position and showing moderate or vigorous staining. After the conventional treatments with calcium and phosphorus, twenty-three buffaloes retained the replaced vagina and calved normally. One of the aborted while the vagina was retained, while the other two buffaloes with the severest degree of the prolapse showing severe edema with injury and cyanosis, the prolapse recurred due to strong continuous straining and died subsequently. Early detection and prompt treatment at a less progressive degree of the prolapse may be imperative to control the vaginal prolapse in buffaloes.

J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci. 23:71-75


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How to Cite

Sah, S., & Nakao, T. (2002). Characteristics of Vaginal Prolapse in Buffaloes. Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, 23, 71–75. Retrieved from



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