Effect of Paclobutrazol on Off-Year Induction of Flowers in Mango


  • K.B. Karki
  • D.D. Dhakal


Cultar, triazol, growth retardant, PP333, Mangifera indica


The effectiveness of paclobutrazol was assessed for induction of flowering in ten year old grafted mango trees cv: Dashehari in its off-year. The harvested twigs were pruned (10-15 cm top shoots) and sprayed with 1% urea soon after crop harvest on-year. After development of new shoots from the pruned twigs, paclobutrazol at 0.0, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25 g a.i/tree/meter canopy diameter were soil drenched at collar zone of mango trees on August 27, September 27 and October 27, 1999. The new lateral shoots were developed in July from the pruned twigs. Paclobutrazol induced flowering and eventually fruiting in those new shoots developed in July. Paclobutrazol at 1.0 g a.i/tree/meter canopy diameter gave consistently the significant results in all the parameter tested. Paclobutrazol applied in September was highly effective in flowering, reducing vegetative growth, increasing fruit set and yield as compared to August and October applications. However, August treatment was relatively superior to the October treatment.

J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci. 2003 24:51-57


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How to Cite

Karki, K., & Dhakal, D. (2003). Effect of Paclobutrazol on Off-Year Induction of Flowers in Mango. Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, 24, 51–57. Retrieved from https://nepjol.info./index.php/JIAAS/article/view/373



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