Inclusion of Gender Issue in REDD+: Experiences from REDD+ Pilot Implementation in Nepal


  • Trishna Singh Bhandari
  • Niroj Timalsina
  • Basant Pant
  • Hari Krishna Laudari
  • Sushma Bhattarai
  • Radha Wagle
  • Sindhu Prasad Dhungana
  • Bhaskar Singh Karky



Decision-making, Gender integration, Meaningful participation, productive deliberation, participatory planning and monitoring, REDD


Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) is being prepared for implementation in Nepal with the concept of mitigating climate change impacts as articulated by United Nations Framework Condition on Climate Change. Nepal is in the forefront in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Region in REDD+ readiness, however, there are many challenges including Gender Inclusion and REDD+ safeguards. The country is participating in REDD+ since 2008 and has implemented number of pilot projects in its readiness phase and is moving towards implementation phase, for which it has endorsed and established most of the Warsaw REDD+ Framework, including National REDD+ Strategy, Forest Reference Level and National Forest Monitoring System. The REDD+ Himalaya project is one of the projects implemented to support piloting of Nepal’s readiness by building capacity of REDD+ stakeholders at subnational level. In this background, the study attempts to evaluate the gender inclusion in REDD+ piloting in Nepal through the assessment of governance of activities under REDD+ Himalaya. We conducted an open-ended interview with 26 key informants engaged during REDD+ implementation at local level in Dolakha, Gorkha and Chitwan districts. Also, we reviewed the decisions of several REDD+ stakeholders’ meetings. The findings were organized in principle framework of meaningful participation and productive deliberation. The qualitative analysis of information, gathered through primary and secondary data, revealed that there are many crucial factors that the project had considered for gender inclusion in REDD+. The study showed that environment of decision making forum, nature of decision making process, response to social and gender differences, communication protocol, existing policy and institutional framework, adopted strategies for capacity development of local REDD+ cadre, use of available resources, power distribution/devolution and the behavior of counterparts are some governance attributes that dictate meaningful participation and productive deliberation of women in REDD+ program. As gender integration has become a crucial part in forestry and REDD+ initiative in Nepal, there are still some challenges for its proper incorporation and implementation in the years to come.


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How to Cite

Bhandari, T. S. ., Timalsina, N., Pant, B., Laudari, H. K., Bhattarai, S., Wagle, R., … Karky, B. S. (2018). Inclusion of Gender Issue in REDD+: Experiences from REDD+ Pilot Implementation in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 17(1), 63–75.


