Conceptualising Meso-Level Governance in the Management of Commons: Lessons from Nepal’s Community Forestry


  • Mani Ram Banjade ForestAction Nepal
  • Naya Sharma Paudel ForestAction Nepal
  • Hemant Ojha ForestAction and Environmental Resource Institute
  • Cynthia McDougall Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
  • Ravi Prabhu Sub-Regional Plan for Collective Action, International Livestock Research Institute


community forestry, meso-level, commons, governance, adaptive collaborative management


Most of the literature on common property resources is focused either on understanding interaction among users or on the macro-level policy issues that shape the management of the commons. However little is understood on the role played by the meso-level actors, institutions and processes in shaping the social and environmental outcomes of the commons. Based on the learning and reflections from an 'adaptive collaborative management' research project implemented in community forestry in five districts of Nepal, the paper: a) conceptualises meso-level governance as the level between micro (community forest user groups- CFUGs) level management and macro (national) level policy processes which plays key roles in policy interpretation and feedback, material and technical support, including help to develop linkage with the market and other opportunities, conflicts management, and introduction of new idea and discourses; b) describes how meso-level actors and processes can better respond to the increased demands of CFUGs for diversified expertise and resources; and c) shares action research insights on facilitating reflexive learning processes among meso-level stakeholders that could enhance community forestry outcomes.

Keywords: community forestry, meso-level, commons, governance, adaptive collaborative management  

Full text is available at the ForestAction website  

Journal of Forest and Livelihood 6(1) February 2007 pp.48-58


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How to Cite

Banjade, M. R., Paudel, N. S., Ojha, H., McDougall, C., & Prabhu, R. (2009). Conceptualising Meso-Level Governance in the Management of Commons: Lessons from Nepal’s Community Forestry. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1), 48–58. Retrieved from


