A State-of-The-Art Technical Review on Seismic Resilience of Rcc Structural Components Using Seismic Resistance Based Retrofitting Techniques


  • Rinky Shah Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Kalanki, Kathmandu-Nepal
  • Sanjay K.C Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Kalanki, Kathmandu-Nepal
  • Shubhanshu Kumar Bhagat Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Kalanki, Kathmandu-Nepal
  • Srijana Chaudhary Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Kalanki, Kathmandu-Nepal
  • Subash Pokharel Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Kalanki, Kathmandu-Nepal
  • Yogesh Yadav Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Balkhu, Kathmandu-Nepal




non-ductile, performance-based, RCC, Resilience, seismic retrofit


Existing buildings can be at a greater seismic risk due to non-conformance to current design codes and may require structural retrofitting to improve building performance. The most recent example of that can be seen from the 2015 AD earthquake in Nepal and other sub continental regions, where numbers of buildings were destroyed with more fatal consequences have drawn the attention of the government authorities of Nepal and the general public for seismic earthquake resistance design of buildings. Following the post seismic assessment of building in Nepal after 2015 earthquake, it is revealed that the existing reinforced concrete buildings have some inadequacies in structural components and thus the intensive research and study is required to for the better understanding of the structure in terms of immediate consequences due to direct damage and way to recovery using seismic retrofit assessment.

This paper presents an overview on performance based evaluation of retrofitted rcc structural member using some advanced retrofitting techniques which is innovative and can be cost effective retrofitting strategies demanding less skilled man power. It is concluded that better seismic resilience can be achieved with the help of innovative methods with the application of innovative materials like textile mortars and fibers. In the following sections a review of experimental flexural loading on beam is presented.


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Author Biographies

Rinky Shah, Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Kalanki, Kathmandu-Nepal

Civil Engineering Student

Sanjay K.C, Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Kalanki, Kathmandu-Nepal

Civil Engineering Student

Shubhanshu Kumar Bhagat, Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Kalanki, Kathmandu-Nepal

Civil Engineering Student

Srijana Chaudhary, Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Kalanki, Kathmandu-Nepal

Civil Engineering Student

Subash Pokharel, Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Kalanki, Kathmandu-Nepal

Civil Engineering Student

Yogesh Yadav, Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Balkhu, Kathmandu-Nepal

Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering




How to Cite

Shah, R., K.C, S., Bhagat, S. K., Chaudhary, S., Pokharel, S., & Yadav, Y. (2023). A State-of-The-Art Technical Review on Seismic Resilience of Rcc Structural Components Using Seismic Resistance Based Retrofitting Techniques. Journal of Advanced College of Engineering and Management, 8(1), 29–43. https://doi.org/10.3126/jacem.v8i1.55909


