Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Undergraduate Nursing Students


  • Shaheen Fajar Lahore School of Nursing, The university of Lahore
  • M. Hussain Lahore School of Nursing, The university of Lahore
  • Hajra Sarwar Lahore School of Nursing, The university of Lahore
  • M. Afzal Lahore School of Nursing, The university of Lahore
  • Syed Amir Gilani Departments of Allied Health Sciences, The University of Lahore




Academic performance, Nursing student, undergraduate


Background: The performance of student play important role to quality education which produce quality graduates .So they took part in development of the country and become leader of that county, They are the backbone of their country (Feenberg, 2012). Most of the students do not make themselves attentive in subject duo to same reason like, school related issues, un-confident and unskilled teachers, insufficient services, and non-availability of instructional materials. Non-school issues involve poverty, low instructive fulfillment and lack of education of guardians and weakness and nutrition (Farooq, Chaudhry, Shafiq, & Berhanu, 2011).

Objective: To determine the factors that affects the academic performance of students of Lahore school of Nursing, The University of Lahore, Pakistan.

Methodology: A descriptive Cross-sectional Study Students of Lahore School of Nursing, the University of Lahore. Convenient sampling Technique was use for data collection. Participants who are enrolled in BSN (Generic and Post RN), Age was 18 years to 45years, Both Male and Female, married and unmarried students was including. except BSN (Post-RN) and BSN (Generic) was exclude for data collection

Result: Gender of the participant has negative association with Education of participant as sig value is .000 and -.397. Gender of the participant has association with Marital status and has weak correlation as sig is .159 and r value is .123. Gender of the participant has association with student related factor and has negative correlation as sig is .397 and r value is -.074.

Conclusion: In this study conclude that, most of the common contribution factors that affect academic performance of nursing students were related to teacher factor, student factor, home factor, school factors, significantly affect the academic performance of the nursing students.


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How to Cite

Fajar, S., Hussain, M., Sarwar, H., Afzal, M., & Gilani, S. A. (2019). Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Undergraduate Nursing Students. International Journal of Social Sciences and Management, 6(1), 7–16. https://doi.org/10.3126/ijssm.v6i1.22561



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