The Market-Oriented Management Style of Private Vocational Schools in Complying with the Labor Market in Southern Thailand


  • Phakan Tantikornphan Faculty of Management Sciences, Prince of Songkha Unviersity, Songkhla, 90110
  • Sasiwemon Sukkabot Faculty of Management Sciences, Prince of Songkha Unviersity, Songkhla, 90110



Market-mix, Job market, Private vocational school


The aim of this paper is to research the market-oriented management style of Private Vocational Schools in complying with the labor market in Southern Thailand. This research employed mixed  methods as the research methodology, as detailed below, by interviewing ten education executive managers of PrivateVocational Schools and ten general executive managers of  employers, using 356 sample questionnaires and  reviewing 41 schools in Nakhonsrithammarat, Songkhla and Suratthani provinces.This is based on the growth rate and expansion of industry during the year 2015. The research period is from July to December 2015. (Source: Federation of Industries, 2014). The research found that the important factors were curriculum, quality of graduates, personal practical skills and their making community relations with the local society, compensation and qualification, budget implementation, location and physical characteristics, network construction and participation, public relations, setting up a standard for the learner employers, and their evaluation from employers. In addition, after exploring and confirming via factor analysis, it was found that the market-oriented management style (of private vocational schools) contained five factors including setting up standard and evaluation network construction and public relations with other organizations, public relations with other schools, physical characteristics and location, participation of the employers to develop learner skills. connected with market mix and the 8Ps.

Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-3: 177-184


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How to Cite

Tantikornphan, P., & Sukkabot, S. (2017). The Market-Oriented Management Style of Private Vocational Schools in Complying with the Labor Market in Southern Thailand. International Journal of Social Sciences and Management, 4(3), 177–184.



Research Articles