The Impact of Climate Change on Water Availability in Eastern Nepal: A Presentation of the Project Methodology taking into Account the Various Origins of Water


  • Olivia Aubriot Researcher at the Centre for Himalayan Studies, CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research)
  • Joëlle Smadja Geographer, Directeur de recherche at the CNRS in France; she is head of the "Centre for Himalayan Studies"
  • Yves Arnaud Head of the PAPRIKA programme
  • Pierre Chevallier Senior Scientist from the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France (IRD)
  • François Delclaux Research Engineer in Institute of Research for Development
  • Paolo Laj Principal investigators of the EVK2CNR-funded SHARE project
  • Luc Neppel Assistant Professor at the university of Montpellier II (France) in hydrology
  • Ornella Puschiasis PhD student in Social Geography at Université de Paris-X Nanterre
  • Marie Savéan PhD student in Hydrology Université de Montpellier-2
  • Jean Luc Seidel CNRS senior researcher in hydrogeochemistry at HydroSciences Montpellier Laboratory



Water resources, water uses, climate changes, precipitations (snow and rain), Eastern Nepal


The paper reflects the main methodological aspects of the PAPRIKA Project based on the following objectives: (i) to contribute to a more accurate assessment of glacier retreat, snow cover and climate change in Koshi Basin, Nepal; (ii) to have a better understanding of the contribution of glacier and snow melting to water availability; (iii) to correlate the results with local people's perceptions of climate change and their socio-economic impact. For this, the paper:

  • highlights the fact that the water used by the population comes from different origins (glacier melting, snow melting, frost, rain) the combination of which varies between the four main landscape units: high, middle and low mountains, and finally the Terai plain;
  • describes the methodology adopted to observe and analyse current as well as future environmental changes in the atmosphere, cryosphere and hydrosphere;
  • shows that, for each origin, different reasons may explain the changes in water availability, and thus the impact on agriculture and the different water usages.


Hydro Nepal Special Issue: Conference Proceedings 2012 pp.12-17


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How to Cite

Aubriot, O., Smadja, J., Arnaud, Y., Chevallier, P., Delclaux, F., Laj, P., … Seidel, J. L. (2012). The Impact of Climate Change on Water Availability in Eastern Nepal: A Presentation of the Project Methodology taking into Account the Various Origins of Water. Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment, 11(1), 12–17.