Application of the Pitman Model to Generate Discharges for the Lhasa Basin, China


  • Luna Bharati International Water Management Institute, IWMI-Nepal
  • Nilantha Gamage IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka



Un-gauged basins, Pitman monthly model, Stream fow generation, Lhasa basin (Tibet), Koshi basin (Nepal)


Predicting river fows in basins where limited data is available is a challenge facing many hydrologists es-pecially in developing countries. In this study, the Pitman monthly model was applied to generate fows for the Lhasa basin in China (Tibet). As fow data was unavailable for the Lhasa basin, the model was frst calibrated for the upper Koshi Basin in Nepal and China. The Pitman model successfully predicted fows for the upper Koshi basin (R2 =0.88). Therefore, the estimated model parameters from the Koshi basin as well as climate data from the Lhasa basin were used to generate fows for the Lhasa basin outlet. The main modeling assumption is that the basin characteristics of the upper Koshi are similar to that of the Lhasa basin. Under present circumstances, where measured data is unavail-able, the model estimated monthly fows for the Lhasa basin can be used in further studies in basin water accounting and management.

Key words: Un-gauged basins; Pitman monthly model; Stream fow generation; Lhasa basin (Tibet); Koshi basin (Nepal)

DOI: 10.3126/hn.v7i0.4233

Hydro Nepal

Journal of Water, Energy and Environment

Vol 7, July, 2010

Page: 30-34

Uploaded date: 31 January, 2011


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Author Biography

Nilantha Gamage, IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Research Offcer – IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka.  Mr Gamage is a Research Offcer attached to IWMI’s Global Research Division. He did his M Tech degree in Remote Sensing and GIS from Andhra University, Visakapatnam, India,


How to Cite

Bharati, L., & Gamage, N. (2011). Application of the Pitman Model to Generate Discharges for the Lhasa Basin, China. Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment, 7, 30–34.


