Treatment Feasibility of NSSC Pulping Effl uent using UASB Reactor


  • Arshad Ali Environmental Engineering
  • Hashim Nisar Hashmi Environmental Engineering
  • Inthikhab Ahmad Querashi Civil Engineering
  • Athar Saeed Civil Engineering



NSSC pulping, UASB, Anaerobic digestion, Lignin-COD, Pakistan


The safe disposal of black liquor generating from Neutral Sulfide Semi-Chemical pulping section of the paper mills is one of the challenging issue in the developing countries. A treatment feasibility study was conducted on a laboratory scale UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactor running on continuous flow basis for about 30 weeks at neutral pH and at constant temperature of 33°C. It is observed that about 35% of black-liquor COD could be reduced at a hydraulic retention time of 38 hours and at an organic loading rate of 2.75 kg-COD/m3-day. The average gas production and methane gas conversion at optimum conditions was observed to be 0.17 m3/kg-CODrem-day and 0.88 L-CH4/g-CODrem-day, respectively. The overall methane composition was noticed to be 61% of the biogas. This study suggests that the post-treatment of NSSC pulping effl uent is required to meet the safe effl uent disposal standards.

Key words: NSSC pulping; UASB; Anaerobic digestion; Lignin-COD; Pakistan

DOI: 10.3126/hn.v5i0.2489

Hydro Nepal Vol. 5, July 2009 Page:46-49


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Author Biographies

Arshad Ali, Environmental Engineering

Professor, University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan

Hashim Nisar Hashmi, Environmental Engineering

graduated from University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan

Inthikhab Ahmad Querashi, Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering from Tsingua University, Beijing, China.He has a more than 25 years of professional experience in thefi eld of civil engineering. He is the author of more than ten national/international publications.

Athar Saeed, Civil Engineering

Bachelors in Civil Engineering from MCE-NUST, which is one of the oldest and international reputed institutes. He has completed his masters in Environmental Engineering from UET Taxila, recently.


How to Cite

Ali, A., Hashmi, H. N., Querashi, I. A., & Saeed, A. (2010). Treatment Feasibility of NSSC Pulping Effl uent using UASB Reactor. Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment, 5, 46–49.


