How Movements Move? Evaluating the Role of Ideology and Leadership in Environmental Movement Dynamics in India with Special Reference to the Narmada Bachao Andolan


  • Padam Nepal Department of Political Science, St Joseph’s College, North Point, Darjeeling,



Anti-dam movement, development, dynamism and transformations, environmental movements, hydropolitics, ideology, leadership, movements, social movements, strategic relational approach


Lawrence Cox (1999) has argued that the established perspectives on social movements operate with an inadequately narrow conception of the ‘object’ that is being studied and thus tends to ‘reify’ “movements” as usual activity against essentially static backgrounds, and in its place, he advocates a concept of social movement as the more or less developed articulation of situated rationalities. Following Cox, therefore, the present study perceives social movements as articulations of situated rationalities by perceiving them as a tactical, dialectical response to the harsh realities of the political system. This would help us capture the essential dynamic and transformative aspects of the movement. Any social movement, and for that matter, environmental movements are characterized by the presence of agencies and structural components, which, however, are not a priori and static. They are rather dynamic and get changed and transformed in the course of the movement. Precisely for this reason, the environmental movements can at best be comprehended by way of locating and analyzing the dynamism and transformations of the movements produced by the dialectical interaction of the various components and parameters of the movement over a span of time. Hence, the present paper aims to evaluate the dynamics and transformations of the environmental movements in India, taking the case of the Narmada Bachao Andolan, and, adopting a strategic relational approach within the agent-structure framework as its framework of analysis. For the present purpose, however, we have taken only two variables, namely, Ideology and Leadership and attempted the analysis of their contributions in producing movement dynamics.

Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment Issue No. 4, January, 2009 Page 24-29


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Author Biography

Padam Nepal, Department of Political Science, St Joseph’s College, North Point, Darjeeling,

Senior Lecturer and Head at the Department of Political Science, St Joseph’s College, North Point, Darjeeling, India. He completed his MA, M. Phil and PhD from the University of North Bengal. He specializes in Environmental Politics and Advanced Political Theory. His research interests include Environmental movements, spatial, symbolic and material mediation of social movements, gender studies, micropolitics of development of marginal communities, folk and cultural aspects of politics, and politics of recognition.




How to Cite

Nepal, P. (2009). How Movements Move? Evaluating the Role of Ideology and Leadership in Environmental Movement Dynamics in India with Special Reference to the Narmada Bachao Andolan. Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment, 4, 24–29.


