Water Quality Profile of Swan River Himachal Pradesh, India using GIS


  • A. K. Sharda Indian Institute of Technology
  • M. P. Sharma Alternet Hydor Energy Centre IIT Roorkee
  • Pankaj Dumyat Alternet Hydor Energy Centre IIT Roorkee




Water quality, Geographic Information System (GIS), National Sanitation Foundation NSF (WQI), Overall Index of Pollution (OIP)


To  meet  the ever increasing  demand  of drinking  water, a number of  shallow  tube wells are used to draw the water from  upper aquifers of  Swan  river. In  most  parts of  the river catchment, the  current  ground  water extraction is exceeding the recharge rate  causing  the rapid depletion of shallow ground water, resulting in serious environmental hazards like land subsidence  during  the  dry season flow and very low dilution levels in the  surface water. The water becomes polluted due to domestic and industrial waste water discharges. The present paper aims to study a water quality map of Swan River based on the computations of the National Sanitation Foundation Index (NSFWQI) and the Overall Index of Pollution (OIP) using water quality data from July to December 2012. A GIS tool has been used to prepare a water quality map of the study stretch (as a function of distance) along upstream and downstream from the pollution sources. The water quality map can help planners and designers make a quantitative assessment of the problem and better suggest long term measures to improve the health of the river. 

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/hn.v13i0.10045

HYDRO NEPAL Journal of Water, Energy and Environment Issue No. 13, July 2013

Page: 64-69 



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Author Biographies

A. K. Sharda, Indian Institute of Technology

Himanchal Pradesh State Pollution Control board

M. P. Sharma, Alternet Hydor Energy Centre IIT Roorkee

Associate Professor




How to Cite

Sharda, A. K., Sharma, M. P., & Dumyat, P. (2014). Water Quality Profile of Swan River Himachal Pradesh, India using GIS. Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment, 13, 64–69. https://doi.org/10.3126/hn.v13i0.10045


