The Interface between the State and Civil Society in Nepal


  • Chandra D. Bhatta Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Nepal Office



civil society, Nepal, CBOs, democracy, societal values


The paper explores the state-civil society relations in Nepal, which have gone through many ups and downs from various perspectives. This is important for the reason that the two terms are now in the forefront of public debate: Rajya – the state and Nagarik Samaj – civil society. Voices, both in favour and against the state and civil society, are now audible everywhere. The debate has picked up momentum, particularly after the regime change of 2006, when civil society took a new birth and played a crucial role in regime. However, all is not well with the role of both state and civil society. The point at stake, however, is how should one describe the state-civil society relations in Nepal; how they influence, behave, and view each other; and where do they converge and diverge? These are some of the important issues that need to be looked into carefully. The rise of right-based civil society organisations (CSOs) in Nepal has further created confusion vis-a-vis state. Within these contexts, paper here attempts to explain the extant interface.


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Author Biography

Chandra D. Bhatta, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Nepal Office

Bhatta, Chandra D. is a Political Scientist trained at the London School of Economics and Birmingham University in the UK. He has held Research Fellowship at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Luis, USA. His articles been appeared in the Journal of Civil Society, Asian Journal of Political Science, Journal of Peace, Conflict and Development among others. He has authored a book on Challenges of Statebuildiong in Nepal and edited number of volumes with Dev Raj Dahal and Anand Aditya. He is currently working for the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Nepal Office.




How to Cite

Bhatta, C. D. (2016). The Interface between the State and Civil Society in Nepal. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 10, 63–91.


