Equity, Inclusion and Conflict in Community Based Forest Management: A Case of Salghari Community Forest in Nepal


  • Sushant Acharya Multi Stakeholder Forestry Programmme (MSFP), Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Bishnu Raj Upreti Executive Director of NCCR




Community forestry, dalits, non-dalits, internal conflict


The equity and inclusion issues are widely observed in Community Based Forest Management (CBFM) and Community Forestry (CF) is not an exception. Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs) are portrayed as robust grassroots institutions for forest management and group governance. However, many contemporary researches have shown that CFUGs are still governed by some influential local elites who hardly practice equity and inclusion. In this context, objectives of this paper are: to explore how equity and inclusion issues lead CFUGs fall into internal conflicts; and to demonstrate how CFUGs are able to address such issues locally. The study was carried out in Salghari CFUG of Ratnechaur, Myagdi. Semi-structured interview and focused group discussion were key tools used for data collection. Livelihoods and Social Inclusion Framework and Equity Framework are used for data analysis. The findings of the research revealed that dalits and non-dalits of Salghari fall into internal conflict regarding the use of forest products. The conflict was then managed through amendments in CF provisions and change in CF leadership. This paper concludes that execution of equity and inclusion provisions in CF, secures access to assets for disadvantaged people from CBFM. However, this demands empowerment of these people and facilitating role of external agency.


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Author Biographies

Sushant Acharya, Multi Stakeholder Forestry Programmme (MSFP), Kathmandu, Nepal

Acharya, Sushant holds Master Degree in Anthropology from Tribhuwan University and Master Degree in Human and Natural Resource Studies from Kathmandu University. He has published papers in peer-reviewed journals as well as presented papers in national and international conferences. His areas of research interest are: governance of common property resources and climate change. Currently, he is associated with Multi Stakeholder Forestry Programmme (MSFP), Kathmandu.

Bishnu Raj Upreti, Executive Director of NCCR

Upreti, Bishnu Raj holds a PhD from the Netherlands and PostDoc from UK. Dr Upreti is a senior researcher on conflict management and is known in this field nationally and internationally. He has written and/or co-edited 41 books on conflict, peace, state building and security and frequently published in peer-reviewed international journals and anthologies. Beside research, he is also teaching at Kathmandu University and Agriculture and Forestry University. Earlier, he has worked as a Research Fellow at King's College London and Surrey University, UK. He had served as the South Asia Regional Coordinator for NCCR North-South, a global research programme active in addressing the challenges to sustainable development for 9 years. He is currently serving as Executive Director of NCCR.




How to Cite

Acharya, S., & Upreti, B. R. (2015). Equity, Inclusion and Conflict in Community Based Forest Management: A Case of Salghari Community Forest in Nepal. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 9, 209–223. https://doi.org/10.3126/dsaj.v9i0.14029


