Improving Forest-Based Livelihoods through Integrated Climate Change Adaptation Planning


  • Pratima Shrestha
  • Dev Raj Gautam



Community forest, forest based livelihood, climate change adaptation, Chitwan Annapurna landscape


Forest-based livelihoods are ruthlessly affected by climate change and other non-climatic stressors. Forests as one of the precious natural assets available in the Chitwan Annapurna area is an appropriate sector to address community and ecosystem vulnerability through adaptation works like plantation, protecting biophysical environment against hazards like landslide, floods, and water scarcity. In Nepal, Community Forest Users Groups with legal entity serves as grassroot organizations in preparation of community based adaptation plan of action (CAPA). Hariyo Ban Program, have facilitated in preparation of community based adaptation plans in remote, vulnerable and marginalized communities of different places of Gandaki river basin. The result shows community perception towards climatic and non climatic stresses and its impacts in forest based livelihoods. Climate change, its variability and extreme events have mystified people’s livelihood and forced them to further suffering. Preparation and implementation of adaptation plans has provided a ray of hope towards addressing adverse impact of climate change. Till date, 142 community adaptation plans are prepared following a methodology on integrated community adaptation planning. Adaptation planning has let community know about the prevailing threats and vulnerabilities in their communities and helped to identify adaptation measures to reduce those threats and vulnerabilities, resulting in improved livelihoods.


Crossing the Border: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol.2(1) 2014: 135-146


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Author Biographies

Pratima Shrestha

Pratima Shrestha, a master’s degree in Environmental Science from Tribhuvan University, is working as Climate Change Adaptation Specialist for Chitwan Annapurna Landscape (CHAL) in Hariyo Ban program, CARE International Nepal since October 2011. She leads capacity building, preparation and implementing the climate change adaptation at community and local level, mainstreaming adaptation plan into local development plan, participatory monitoring evaluation reflection and learning (PMERL) etc. Previously she was engaged with CARE Nepal in Churiya Livelihood Improvement Program (CHULI) at the capacity of DRR officer as well as DRR and CC specialist. Prior to this, Ms. Shrestha has extensive work experience as Project Officer in Building Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal under Disaster Preparedness in ActionAid Nepal; Team member in the Survey of Otter in Seep Water Nepal; Faculty member in Patan Multiple Campus; Editor in e-newsletter “Headlines Himalaya” in Environmental Graduates of Himalaya (EGH); Consultant for Community Based Integrated Natural Resource Management Project in IWMI (International Water Management Institute) Nepal; Program Assistant in conservation education projects in NATURE; Field Interviewer in different researches related to Women and Child Health in New ERA Ltd.

Dev Raj Gautam

Dev Raj Gautam

is working as Team Leader in Hariyo Ban Program, CARE Nepal. He has more than 13 years of working experiences in Biodiversity Conservation, Ecosystem and Community Based Climate Change Adaptation, Payment for Ecosystem Services and REDD+. He also possesses expertise on Participatory Forest Management and Strategic Planning, Carbon Stock Assessment, NRM Governance, Policy Analysis and Advocacy, Right-based Approach to Development, and Monitoring and Evaluation. He has already published number of articles and reports related to rights to development, gender empowerment, biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation, community forestry management, participatory impact monitoring in national level journals and bulletins.




How to Cite

Shrestha, P., & Gautam, D. R. (2014). Improving Forest-Based Livelihoods through Integrated Climate Change Adaptation Planning. Crossing the Border: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(1), 135–146.


