Prediction of daily global solar radiation using different empirical models on the basis of meteorological parameters at Trans Himalaya Region, Nepal


  • Usha Joshi Department of Physics, Patan Multiple Campus, TU, Patan
  • I B Karki Nepal Open University
  • N P Chapagain Department of Physics, Amrit Campus, TU, Kathmandu
  • K N Poudyal Department of Physics, Pulchowk Campus, IOE, TU, Patan



Global solar radiation, Pyranometer, Meteorological parameters, Regression technique, Empirical constants


Global Solar Radiation (GSR) is the cleanest and freely available energy resource on the earth.  GSR  was measured for six years (2010 -2015) at the horizontal surface using calibrated first-class CMP6 pyranometer at Kathmandu (Lat. 27.70o N, Long. 85.5oE and Alt. 1350m). This paper explains the daily, monthly, and seasonal variations of GSR and also compares with sunshine hour, ambient temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation to GSR. The annual average global solar radiation is about 4.16 kWh/m2/day which is a significant amount to promote solar active and passive energy technologies at the Trans-Himalaya region. In this study, the meteorological parameters are utilized in the regression technique for four different empirical models and finally, the empirical constants are found. Thus obtained coefficients are utilized to predict the GSR using meteorological parameters for the years to come. In addition, the predicted GSR is found to be closer to the measured value of GSR. The values are justified by using statistical tools such as coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), mean percentage error (MPE), and mean bias error (MBE). Finally, the values of R2, RMSE, MPE, and MBE are found to be 0.792, 1.405, -1.014, and 0.011, respectively for the model (D), which are based on sunshine hour, temperature and relative humidity. In this model, the empirical constants, a = 0.155, b = 0.134, c = 0.014 and d = 0.0007 are determined which can be utilized at the similar geographical locations of Nepal.

BIBECHANA 18 (1) (2021) 159-169


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How to Cite

Joshi, U., Karki, I. B., Chapagain, N. P., & Poudyal, K. N. (2021). Prediction of daily global solar radiation using different empirical models on the basis of meteorological parameters at Trans Himalaya Region, Nepal. BIBECHANA, 18(1), 159–169.



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